Home / Entertainment / Paul Rudd gets shocked by Olivia Colman’s call amid his appearance at Radio 1Paul Rudd gets shocked by Olivia Colman’s call amid his appearance at Radio 1

Paul Rudd gets shocked by Olivia Colman’s call amid his appearance at Radio 1Paul Rudd gets shocked by Olivia Colman’s call amid his appearance at Radio 1

Ant-Man actor Paul Rudd during his recent appearance at BBC Radio 1 received a prank call from old pal Olivia Colman, which left him shocked.

While the actor was helping callers with their personal problems, Olivia called in and pretended to be a Welsh woman.

It was Olivia’s idea to prank call Paul when she found out that he would be on the show.

The Empire of Light actress said she’s a ‘big fan’ of the iconic actor and ‘wanted to pick [his] brains’ about a personal problem.

Olivia, disguised as a random listener, asked, “What would you do if you had a really, like a really good mate, like for over 20 years like, and then this friend, yeah, he doesn’t live in England, but he’s come to England but he hasn’t told you about it?

“Then, not only has he not told you about it, he’s come on to a radio show. What would you do?”

Paul became uneasy as he answered, “Oh my god. Oh no,” when Olivia asked if would be ‘offended’ if that happened to him.

“Personally, if it’s me? Absolutely not. I tend to give everybody the benefit of the doubt,” he answered.

The actor continued laughing while repeating ‘oh god’.

Greg then jumped in and put an end to Paul’s suffering by telling him that the mysterious caller is actually his pal Olivia.

After Olivia revealed who she is, Paul said, “By the way, I’m sweating. I’m actually sweating.”

“You really can do every accent,” he said before telling Greg that they ‘go way back’.

Olivia also explained how she listens to the Breakfast Show and heard about Paul appearing on the show and decided to play a prank on him.

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