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Sonia Gandhi signals retirement on a high note

NEW DELHI: Congress leader Sonia Gandhi has signalled the end of her remarkable innings as India’s key political pivot and told her followers at a party plenary on Saturday that she was happy that the end coincided with a potential game changer that saw millions joining Rahul Gandhi in the recent 4000km Unite India march.

Taking on the government frontally, she spoke of the difficulties ahead. “This is a particularly challenging time, for the Congress and for the country as a whole. Prime Minister Modi and the BJP-RSS regime has relentlessly captured and subverted every single institution. It ruthlessly silences any voice of opposition,” she said.

Ms Gandhi also said it was gratifying to note that her innings had concluded with the Bharat Jodo Yatra that has come as a “turning point”.

“Over these 25 years, our party has seen times of high achievement as well as deep disappointment. The support, goodwill and understanding of each one of you and all the Congress party workers throughout the country has given us all strength. Our victories in 2004 and 2009, along with the able leadership of Dr Manmohan Singh- ji, gave me personal satisfaction, but what gratifies me most is that my innings could conclude with the Bharat Jodo Yatra,” she said.

While some interpreted this remark as an indication of her impending retirement from politics, a senior leader told The Hindu that the reference was to her innings as the party’s president.

In an all-out attack on the BJP government, Ms Gandhi accused it of “fuelling the fire of hatred” and “viciously targeting minorities, women, Dalits and tribals”. In a reference to the controversy involving industrialist Gautam Adani, the former Congress chief said that the Modi government had caused economic ruin by favouring a particular businessman.

“And most distressingly, it (the BJP government) fuels the fires of fear and hatred against fellow Indians. It viciously targeted minorities, and ignored crimes and discrimination against them, against women, against Dalits and against Adivasis. It mocked Gandhi ji, and through its words and actions, shows its contempt for the values of our Constitution,” she added.

Ms Gandhi, who became the longest-serving president of the Congress party, said that though the times are challenging, the party will be able to emerge victorious.

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