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King Charles giving ‘spoilt manbaby’ Harry a kick up the backside’

King Charles hailed for finally dealing with ‘spoilt manbaby’ Prince Harry and Meghan Markle .

These claims have been issued by royal commentator and expert Jan Moir.

The claims came as part of a piece for the Mail Online, and it reads, “What quiet joy to see the karma train rattling down the track towards Montecito.”

“On behalf of us all, I want to say thank you Your Majesty for giving this spoilt manbaby and his Lady Macbeth of a wife the kick up the backside that they so richly deserve.”

“For let us not forget that the selfish Sussexes were filming their Oprah interview when Prince Philip became ill; they freighted the Queen’s last year with worry; they painted the Royal Family with a racist hue that was undeserved; and the bruises from their various ‘truth’ bombs and emotional punches are still being felt today.”

The biggest joke of all is that Harry and Meghan clearly still thought they had a right to Frogmore Cottage. That it was somehow still theirs.”

“And that it was perfectly acceptable for it to sit empty for 50 weeks of the year and be readily available when they flew in for Wimbledon, or the Graham Norton Show, or the Coronation — in that order of importance, obviously. Although the chances of them turning up for the latter surely get more remote by the day?”

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