Home / Entertainment / Billy Bush roots for Amy Robach, T.J. Holmes return

Billy Bush roots for Amy Robach, T.J. Holmes return

T.J. Holmes and Amy Robach ‘hot chemistry’ leads to TV Billy Bush to openly support the fired couple comeback on TV screen.

“I think they should work together,” Bush told TMZ. “I think they do a great job.”

The Extra host said that he believes the duo could even “do a podcast together” and then “another show or whatever,” saying, “They’ve got something that works.”

Moreover, Bush also slammed invasive public interest in the couple personal lives, adding that “people love to wade into other people’s clubhouses.”

Bush also lent support to Holmes and Robach for re-employement, because “everyone should find their way back.”

Meanwhile, Robach and Holmes are reportedly getting ready to hit the silver screen with their show.

The lovebird “aren’t done with television and remain confident another network or cable channel will see the value in their undeniable chemistry,” with a source snitched to RadarOnline that “some of the best television double acts have been lovers!”

But their comeback might delay as their teams advise the pair to capture the right time to pitch their real-life love affair.

“They’re being urged by managers to wait for the next round of syndicated television pitches to present to buyers a new format that would rival their old slot at ABC,” the insider disclosed.

However, the move raised some eyebrows, given their history at the ABC, but the highly-placed source is confident about their return.

“Can they pull it off? Stranger things have happened.” they laughed. “Daytime television is a different ballgame these days, and TJ and Amy have what it takes. They are not too scarred from the scandal.”

It is pertinent to mention here Bush was involved several times in career-threatening scandals, including Donald Trump’s leaked women slurs and obscene comments about Kendal Jenner.

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