Home / Entertainment / King Charles to invite Prince Harry, Meghan Markle to Coronation to signal ‘no rift’

King Charles to invite Prince Harry, Meghan Markle to Coronation to signal ‘no rift’

Speculations are making rounds if Prince Harry and Meghan Markle would be attending the upcoming Coronation of King Charles II on May 6th, 2023.

However, if the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were to decide not to attend the coronation this spring, it would “cast a shadow” over the celebrations, a royal commentator, Mayah Riaz told The Independent.

While there hasn’t been any official word of the Sussexes’ attendance, the conversation surrounding their conversation spiked after they were issued a notice to “vacate” their Windsor home, Frogmore Cottage, by the Buckingham Palace.

According to reports, the couple is yet to receive an official invitation with invites expected to be sent out to its 2000 guests next week.

Moreover, given the King’s decision to not only evict them but also to handover their home to Prince Andrew has reportedly “stunned” them.

According to Riaz, the King’s decision suggests there is “clearly a rift” between him and the Sussexes.

“This shows that King Charles is making a clear break from Harry and Meghan and sends a loud message to everyone of their position,” she said.

Asked if the couple are likely to attend the coronation, Riaz believed they should be invited, as this would be a signal from the King that “there is no rift” and the move to give Frogmore Cottage to Prince Andrew instead is a “cost-saving exercise for the firm”.

However, she added, “[If they do not receive] an invite, it will be seen as a huge snub and [will be] likely to dominate the headlines and cast a shadow over the coronation.”

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