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Country is ‘hostage’ to IMF: Maryam

LAHORE: Pakistan is a ‘hostage’ to the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and it is treating it like a colony, PML-N chief organiser Maryam Nawaz says.

“The IMF is not ready to trust us. Pakistan is a hostage to the IMF and it is treating the country like a colony. Even if we try to come out of its clutches, we can’t,” Ms Nawaz said while addressing the youth and social media activists in Model Town here on Monday.

She castigated Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf chairman Imran Khan for flouting the IMF agreement. “Because of this today we are begging for Rs1bn,” she lambasted. She drew the comparison of her father Nawaz Sharif’s government with Imran Khan’s saying Khan was ‘launched to destroy the country’.


Maryam Nawaz said Imran Khan should be arrested. “Why is he hiding behind the party workers? He again wants to become the prime minister. I ask what he has done that they (a reference to the establishment) make him PM again. Imran Khan tried to have the support of a few generals and judges. Now he is banking on the judiciary to return to power,” she said.

TOSHAKHANA: Ms Nawaz took credit for making public the details of Toshkhana (foreign gifts) retained by public office holders – presidents, prime ministers, federal cabinet members, politicians, bureaucrats, retired generals, judges and journalists – from 2002 to 2022.

Denies having watch from Toshakhana

“Our government made the Toshakhana details public,” she said and denied having a watch from Toshakhana. However, she admitted receiving a (box) of pineapple.

Ms Nawaz, however, showed her anger towards those maligning her on social media on the issue of a wristwatch. “I will take those to the cleaners for making my financial affairs controversial. The FIA cyber crime will take action against such elements,” she said and warned the ‘pro-Imran’ journalists of indulging in propaganda against her.

Maryam Nawaz chided Mr Khan and his wife for taking and selling Toshakhana gifts but didn’t talk about her father and other family members for receiving a number of gifts from Toshakhana.

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