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20 killed in bus crash in Saudi Arabia

RIYADH: A bus ferrying pilgrims to Makkah burst into flames after a collision on a bridge on Monday, killing 20 people and injuring more than two dozen others.

The incident in the southern province of Asir highlights persistent challenges to safely transporting worshippers to Makkah and Madina.

“According to preliminary information we have now received, the number of deaths in this accident reached 20, and the total number of injuries was 29,” the state-affiliated Al Ekhbariya channel reported.

It said the victims had “different nationalities”, but did not mention them or provide a breakdown.

The channel said the bus had “car trouble”, without specifying, while a private newspaper Okaz said the accident resulted from an issue with the brakes.

The vehicle “then collided with a bridge, overturned and caught fire”.

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