Home / Dallas News / U.S. legal permanent residents could become police officers under Texas bill

U.S. legal permanent residents could become police officers under Texas bill

When Noe Bernabe-Barrera searched for local career opportunities, the answer seemed simple. The Texas Christian University student hoped to serve his community as a police officer his entire life.

When he researched the role, however, one requirement shocked him: Permanent legal residents can’t become peace officers in Texas.

“My life came to a stop,” said Bernabe-Barrera, who was born in Guerrero, Mexico, but raised in Fort Worth where he now attends TCU.

Proposed legislation aims to change that requirement. Two bills carried by Dallas lawmakers in the Legislature would allow for legal permanent residents to become peace officers in Texas.

The push comes as law enforcement agencies nationwide face a hiring crisis exacerbated by labor shortages, steep competition, mental health struggles and negative perceptions about officers.

Noe Bernabe-Barrera (left), Texas Christian University student, speaks as State Rep....
Noe Bernabe-Barrera (left), Texas Christian University student, speaks as State Rep. Victoria Neave Criado listens during a news conference at Dallas Police Department Headquarters in Dallas about proposed legislation meant to address officer staffing shortages. Proposed House Bill 1076 would allow legal permanent residents to apply to become an officer in Texas.(Shafkat Anowar / Staff Photographer)

Local police and state officials say changing law would help address recruiting and retention issues and bridge more trust with underrepresented communities.

“The fact is that they need more help. They need more boots on the ground,” Dallas Rep. Victoria Neave Criado, the bill’s author, said of police force needs. The lawmaker, who is married to Fort Worth Deputy Police Chief Pedro “Kiki” Criado, discussed the legislation at a news conference Friday.

Legal permanent residents are authorized to live and work in the United States and must undergo extensive background checks to obtain a green card.

The proposed legislation would allow those residents to become telecommunicators, jailers and peace officers. This year, a similar California law went into effect that allows anyone who is legally authorized to work in the state, with the proper green card or visa, to become an officer.

Neave Criado noted that legal permanent residents are allowed to serve in the military and die for the United States.

“They also should have the right to protect and serve our neighborhoods,” she said.

The bill was voted out of a House committee March 23 and now must go before the full House for a vote. Sen. Nathan Johnson, D-Dallas, filed the companion bill in the Senate where it was referred to the powerful State Affairs committee.

This is not the first time such legislation has been filed in the Legislature. In 2019, Rep. Hubert Vo, D-Houston, authored a bill that would have allowed legal permanent residents who were honorably discharged from the military to become peace officers. Vo’s bill passed the House but never made it to the Senate floor for a vote.

Vo is one of four joint authors on Neave Criado’s bill, along with freshman Rep. Frederick Frazier, R-McKinney. Frazier is a former Dallas police officer who was indicted in June by a Collin County grand jury for allegedly posing as a code compliance officer.

Local support

Dallas police Chief Eddie García said his department turns away 50 to 100 applicants every month who are legal residents. He noted that number is likely “grossly underreported” because others already know they can’t become a peace officer, so they don’t even apply.

Eleven states in the country, including Oklahoma and Louisiana, already allow legal permanent residents to become peace officers, he said. The chief added that he’d recently met a man who wanted to become a police officer in Dallas but is now pursuing the career in Colorado.

Such candidates can bring different cultural, linguistic and experiential backgrounds that can increase trust between police and communities at a time it’s needed most, García said.

“It improves public safety by putting more police officers on our streets, and it improves quality of life for these individuals and their families who came here for a better life,” García said.

Fort Worth police Chief Neil Noakes stressed that officer hiring standards won’t be lowered if the bill passes. Background checks would be just as thorough, and applicants would need to meet the same requirements, he said.

Dallas police Chief Eddie Garcia (left), and Fort Worth police Chief Neil Noakes at a news...
Dallas police Chief Eddie Garcia (left), and Fort Worth police Chief Neil Noakes at a news conference about proposed legislation meant to address officer staffing shortages on Friday at Dallas Police Department Headquarters in Dallas. Proposed House Bill 1076 would allow legal permanent residents to apply to become an officer in Texas.(Shafkat Anowar / Staff Photographer)

“We say frequently as chiefs that we want to more accurately reflect the communities that we serve,” Noakes said. “What better way to become more engaged, more connected with every community we serve, than to invite those members of the community into our department.”

Dallas’ population of around 1.29 million people is about 42% Hispanic, 28% white, 24% Black and 3% Asian, according to the U.S. Census Bureau.

Fort Worth’s population of around 940,000 people is about 38% white, 35% Hispanic, 18% Black and 5% Asian, bureau statistics show.

‘This will open opportunities’

Daniel Segura, a public information officer for Fort Worth police, said he became an officer in 2002 while he was a legal permanent resident. It was previously allowed under the law but was changed around that time, he said. He became a citizen in 2006, he said.

“This will open opportunities for young adults,” Segura said in Spanish.

Bernabe-Barrera, who is majoring in criminology and criminal justice at TCU, said it took him about five years to get a green card here. It took 20 for his father.

He said he maintained a clean record and pursued a degree in hopes of joining Fort Worth police before he realized it wasn’t allowed.

Fort Worth has many Latino residents who are fearful about reporting crimes, he said.

“I want to make sure that our people have a voice — when someone responds to their call, there’s someone that looks like them,” Bernabe-Barrera said.

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