Home / Houston News / Woman assaulted at east Houston bar says she learned of suspect’s arrest through

Woman assaulted at east Houston bar says she learned of suspect’s arrest through

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) — A woman who was allegedly assaulted by a man who held a knife to her throat spoke only to ABC13 to let other victims of violent crimes know they should fight for justice.

The alleged attack happened back on April 23, and the suspect is now behind bars.

“I was worried because I didn’t know who he was, and I didn’t know if he could come back and harm me,” the woman said.

is not naming the victim because she asked to stay anonymous. She also requested that we not show her face on camera.

She told us she was invited to a cookout at Gabby’s Bar in east Houston on April 23. She said a stranger, whom police have identified as Eduardo Carrizalez, approached her, then began touching her shoulder and hair and telling her they should leave together.

“I was in a bar with my boyfriend, and the man walked in and up to me,” she recounts.

She says she told Carrizalez that her boyfriend was with her and declined his advances. She claims his behavior suddenly escalated.

“He tried to force me out. He pulled out a knife, held it to my neck, and he tried to drag me outside with him,” the victim said.

The woman says he threatened to kill her and had a gun in his waistband. According to her, Carrizalez told the other patrons he would use the gun if anyone stepped in. That’s when the bar owner threatened to call 911 and Carrizalez dropped her, threw a brick at her, and got in his car.

The woman was able to snap a picture of the suspect and his car before he fled, a picture she believes aided in his arrest.

She said she didn’t know about the arrest until we called her.

“I feel they should have told me that he had been captured,” the woman said. “I would like for him to pay for what he has done to me.”

She wants victims of other crimes to know it’s not their fault and that they deserve to feel like they can ask for help and support.

Carrizalez has been charged with aggravated assault and was given a $25,000 bond, which he posted. Despite her unease, the woman wants victims to know it’s better to speak out and seek justice for someone’s wrongdoings.

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