Home / Entertainment / Prince Harry, Meghan Markle ‘pretending to care’ about ‘desperate’ Diana

Prince Harry, Meghan Markle ‘pretending to care’ about ‘desperate’ Diana

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle drew scathing comparisons to Princess Diana after they were called out for their money hungry ways of cashing in the royal family.

Royal expert Kinsey Schofield spoke to Daily Star and said that Princess Diana’s motive to speak to the public in an interview with Martin Bashir was simply out of fear for her life and safety.

While on the other hand it was far different from Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s money-making interview with Oprah Winfrey, despite the couple claiming that they wanted to expose the royal family’s questionable actions.

“Diana’s actions seemed out of necessity for her safety and survival. Prince Harry’s seem to be for revenge and a paycheck.”

Against her claims, she shared how Prince William carried on Princess Diana’s legacy through his active charity work, honouring her with causes that his late mother was deeply involved in.

“Meanwhile, Prince William is trying to fight the homeless crisis and honours his mother in all that work. I think he honours her in his mental health pursuits.”

She concluded by noting how the two brothers were polar opposites with only one interested in pursuing Princess Diana’s legacy.

“Clearly, one child is leading a life of service and the other is not.”

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