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Israel recalls diplomats from Turkiye

ANKARA: Israel has recalled its diplomats from Turkiye as a security precaution, a source close to the dossier said, meanwhile US and advised citizens to leave Lebanon on Thursday.

“It’s a temporary measure, which should be for the short term,” said the source, who refused to be quoted by name. Israel’s National Security Council late on Tuesday called on all Israelis in Turkiye to leave “as soon as possible”.

Meanwhile, the US and British embassies in Beirut advised citizens to leave Lebanon while flights “remain available”. “We recommend that US citizens in Lebanon make appropriate arrangements to leave the country; commercial options currently remain available,” a US embassy statement said.

A similar warning was issued by the British embassy which said: “If you are currently in Lebanon, we encourage you to leave now while commercial options remain available.” “British nationals should exercise caution and avoid areas where demonstrations may be held,” it added.

Many Arab and Western countries have already encouraged their nationals to avoid travel to Lebanon or leave, with Saudi Arabia on Wednesday urging its citizens to leave Lebanon “immediately” and Kuwait also warning against travelling there.

France, Germany, Ca­na­da and Australia have also warned against travel to Lebanon.

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