Home / BreakingNews / Sit-in over CTD ‘killings’ continues in Turbat

Sit-in over CTD ‘killings’ continues in Turbat

QUETTA: Protesters continued their sit-in against the alleged extrajudicial killing of Balaach Mola Bakhsh, an FIR of which is yet to be registered, despite court orders.

On Sunday, shops and businesses remained closed in Turbat, with the demonstration being shifted to disrupt traffic on the D-Baloch China-Pakistan Economic Corridor road.

Family members of the victim, and political and civil society activists claim the CTD operation was fake, insisting the victims, including Balaach Bakhsh, were killed in custody.

A Turbat sessions judge had directed the local police to register an FIR against the CTD officials responsible for the intelligence-based operation in the area, resulting in the death of four individuals.

“Police have not complied with the orders of the sessions judge about the registeration of FIR against the CTD officials so far,” locals present at the protest said.

On Saturday, sit-in participants organised a protest rally, eventually congregating in front of the sessions court. They called for a judicial inquiry into the deaths of the four individuals.

Former senator Haji Lashkari Raisani, expressing condemnation over the incident, emphasised the need for a judicial commission to impartially investigate the killing of Balaach Mola Bakhsh. He stated on Sunday that a judicial commission probe could narrow the gap between the people of Balochistan and the state.

“All circumstances and reality should be made public, which will reduce distrust between the state and the people of the province,” he said.

He emphasised that the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (HRCP) and the civil society must contribute to delivering justice to the bereaved family.

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