Home / Dallas News / Nikki Haley makes campaign stop at Gilley’s in Dallas

Nikki Haley makes campaign stop at Gilley’s in Dallas

Republican Presidential Candidate Nikki Haley made a campaign stop in Dallas on Thursday, aiming to gain traction against former President Donald Trump.

Around 300 to 400 individuals filled a ballroom at Gilley’s in Dallas to listen to the former U.N. Ambassador.

While many attendees were supporters of Haley, some expressed interest in alternatives to President Joe Biden or former President Trump.

Undecided voter Bobby Benavides remarked, “It’s the same rhetoric over and over again. They say the same thing but they don’t do anything about it.”

Former Fort Worth Mayor Betsy Price introduced Haley, describing her as a strong conservative who can collaborate effectively with others.

During her speech, Haley addressed various issues, including the national debt and healthcare for veterans. She also advocated for defunding sanctuary cities to bolster border security.

A significant portion of Haley’s speech was dedicated to age-related topics. She called for term limits in Congress and suggested the need for presidential candidates who aren’t 80 years old.

Haley’s remarks were occasionally interrupted by protesters, primarily advocating for Palestine and a ceasefire in Gaza. Police removed them, but protests continued outside the rally as supporters departed.

Addressing her position in the polls, Haley emphasized the majority of voters seeking alternatives to the status quo rather than dwelling on her lagging numbers.

Supporters like Denise Gobert expressed confidence in Haley’s ability to overcome challenges, stating, “I don’t [worry about the polls] because polls can be swayed any way you want to. You can ask the questions you want. I know it’s a tough state to come in and try to do something different, but I think Nikki Haley will have the power that she needs.”

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