Home / Dallas News / Fort Worth Police release vehicle pursuit policy after pedestrians hurt in chase

Fort Worth Police release vehicle pursuit policy after pedestrians hurt in chase

After two pedestrians suffered serious injuries during a chase in the West 7th Entertainment District last month, the Fort Worth Police Department has disclosed its pursuit policy.

The incident involved a pursuit of a driver suspected of driving under the influence. The driver allegedly cut in front of oncoming traffic, mounted a curb, struck a pole, and continued driving on a rim and shredded tire. Subsequently, the driver attempted to flee, colliding with a car and two adult pedestrians at the intersection of West 7th Street and University Drive.

Both the adult man and woman injured in the crash were hospitalized with serious injuries, although their current conditions remain unknown.

While the department refrained from commenting on whether the pursuing officers adhered to protocol due to an ongoing lawsuit, Fort Worth Sgt. Jason Spencer confirmed that the pursuit had received supervisor approval.

In response to public interest in the pursuit and crash, the department opted to release “significant portions” of its pursuit policy. This decision was aimed at fostering accountability and informing the public about departmental policies while safeguarding officers and residents by withholding specific tactics used during apprehension.

Fort Worth Police Chief Neil Noakes emphasized the importance of transparency with the community while maintaining confidentiality regarding operational strategies. He underscored the need for adherence to clear policies, while emphasizing that ultimate responsibility lies with the individual who chose to evade law enforcement.

The driver involved in the crash, Andrew Guerra, faces charges including intoxication assault with a vehicle, evading arrest, and unlawful restraint for allegedly preventing his passenger from exiting the truck. Guerra remains in custody at the Tarrant County Jail with bonds totaling $95,000 as of February 15, although it remains unclear if he has legal representation.

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