Home / Dallas News / State senator pledges action after investigation highlights deaths on Loop 12

State senator pledges action after investigation highlights deaths on Loop 12

State Senator Royce West (D-Dallas) has announced plans to organize community meetings aimed at addressing a hazardous traffic zone highlighted in an NBC 5 investigation.

The investigation, conducted on Wednesday, revealed a section of Loop 12 in southern Dallas where five pedestrians were struck and killed within an 11-month period in 2023.

Over the past decade, Texas Department of Transportation crash records indicated that 11 pedestrians lost their lives on a less than one-mile stretch of the road.

Senator West, who serves as the vice chair of the Senate’s Transportation Committee, emphasized the need for immediate action to address the issue.

He pledged to convene state and local leaders for town hall meetings to discuss urgent measures to prevent further fatalities.

Loop 12 serves as both a state highway and a city street, and the investigation highlighted its alarming rate of accidents and fatalities.

Among those killed was 77-year-old Betty Sue Fleming, whose brother Arthur called for improvements to enhance pedestrian safety in the area.

NBC 5’s investigation observed pedestrians frequently crossing the street without using designated crosswalks, often near bus stops and apartment buildings.

According to road safety experts, inadequate crosswalk placement contributes to such risky behaviors among pedestrians.

TxDOT’s current policies restrict the installation of mid-block crosswalks or pedestrian safety beacons on streets like Loop 12 where the speed limit exceeds 40 mph, unless the speed limit is lowered.

Senator West, reflecting on the evolving nature of Loop 12, emphasized the importance of community input in determining necessary road modifications.

While TxDOT continues to collaborate with the City of Dallas and DART to enhance pedestrian safety on Loop 12, concerns remain about the effectiveness of current measures.

The agency conducted a speed study on Loop 12 and is in discussions with the city to potentially adjust the speed limit.

Both the city and TxDOT are investing in upgrading traffic signals and street lighting on Loop 12, but questions persist about the adequacy of these efforts in reducing fatalities.

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