Home / Entertainment / Prince Harry ‘gives up’ hope of reconciliation with royals

Prince Harry ‘gives up’ hope of reconciliation with royals

Prince Harry’s relations with his estranged father King Charles appeared to have thawed when he made a dash to visit him after a personal phone call about his father’s cancer diagnosis.

The cancer diagnosis, which was reportedly a wakeup call for the Duke of Sussex, is not really raising hopes of reconciliation between the father and son.

A royal source told OK! Magazine that there is “no plan B” for King Charles’ younger son as “patching things up with his family is the only option.”

The Duke is “finally hit home how difficult it will be to repair the damage caused by the various swipes at his family over the years.”

Harry’s bombshell memoir, Spare, which was released in January 2023, deepened the rift between him and his family after he spilled beans about his conflicts with brother Prince William and strained ties with his father.

He also dubbed Queen Camilla as a ‘evil stepmother’ which allegedly became the reason of eviction from their Frogmore Cottage a month later.

While Harry took an overnight flight to see his father, the monarch met him for a mere 30 minutes.

And he reportedly blocked Harry to join him at Sandringham. Royal Expert Michael Cole reflected, “I think the last thing in the world the King would have wanted was for him to have gone on to Sandringham.”

Moreover, Prince William showed no interest in meeting his brother during the family health crisis.

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