Home / Houston News / Wheelchair users fume over Montrose sidewalk issues despite improvement project: ‘It’s not safe’

Wheelchair users fume over Montrose sidewalk issues despite improvement project: ‘It’s not safe’

In Houston’s Montrose neighborhood, the ease of walking to nearby destinations like doctor’s appointments or coffee shops is taken for granted by many. However, mobility and disability advocates highlight the impossibility of such simple tasks in this area.

Gloria Suarez, a wheelchair user and disability advocate, emphasized that it’s not by choice but by necessity that she avoids Montrose sidewalks. She described the sidewalks as uneven, crumbling, and lacking ramps, making navigation unsafe and daunting.

For wheelchair users like Barbara Romero, maneuvering around these obstacles requires careful planning and often means avoiding certain routes altogether. Even routine tasks like grabbing a cup of coffee become hazardous endeavors due to inaccessible sidewalks.

During attempts to showcase the dire state of Montrose sidewalks, even an Eyewitness News crew faced challenges, highlighting the frustrating reality for the estimated 10% of Houston adults living with disabilities.

Suarez stressed that individuals with disabilities have the same rights to enjoy outdoor activities as everyone else and called for improvements to enable equal access.

A redevelopment project for Montrose Boulevard, slated to commence this year at a cost of $14 million, aims to enhance drainage and sidewalk conditions. However, controversy surrounds the project, particularly regarding the proposed removal of 57 mature trees.

While some residents express concern over tree removal, mobility advocate Mehdi Rais emphasizes that trees can be replanted, but the priority should be ensuring equitable access for all residents and visitors.

Rais advocates for Montrose Boulevard to become accessible to everyone, emphasizing the importance of community inclusivity in urban planning decisions.

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