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Compensation sought for trucker killed in Ziarat attack

QUETTA: The Balo­chistan Assembly on Thu­r­sday called upon the gov­­e­rnment to pay compensation to the truck driver who lost his life and truck owners whose vehicles were damaged in an armed attack in Sanjavi area of Ziarat district.

The demand was made through a resolution moved by Food Minister Noor Muham­mad Dum­mar and unanimously adopted during the session presided over by Speaker Abdul Khaliq Khan Achakzai.

The resolution also demanded strict action against those involved in the attack and torching of the trucks laden with coal.

“Government should provide financial assistance to owners of trucks whose trucks were set on fire by the armed men,” the resolution demanded.

The house adopted another resolution asking the government to register 11,000 unregistered tube wells and switch them to solar energy.

The resolution was moved by Asghar Ali of JUI-F. It pointed out that due to the non-availability of electricity, growers were facing difficulties as their crops were drying, causing them huge financial losses.

Baseless propaganda

Separately, Balo­ch­is­tan Chief Minister Sarf­raz Bugti has said that baseless propaganda was misleading the youth and there was a need to bridge the distance bet­ween the state and the youth.

“Every Balochistan citizen wants peace,” the CM said while addressing the participants of the 13th National Workshop.

He said Balochistan’s insurgency was not due to backwardness but due to personal interests and wro­ng governance in the past.

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