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Pakistan seeks accountability in occupied lands

UNITED NATIONS: Pakistan has urged the UN Security Council to hold perpetrators of war crimes accountable, halt the supply of weapons to them, and impose political and legal consequences on the states and individuals responsible for these crimes.

During a Security Council debate on the protection of civilians in armed conflicts, Pakistan also called for the protection of civilians under foreign occupation, including through the deployment of UN peacekeepers.

Pakistan’s Permanent Repre­s­entative, Munir Akram, detailed severe human rights violations in Palestine and Indian held Jammu and Kashmir.

Referring to the “plausible genocide” in Palestine, as termed by the ICJ, the Pakistani envoy stated that it was a “blot on the world’s conscience and will forever haunt the perpetrators.”

Ambassador Akram un­­der­sc­o­red the ongoing hu­­manitarian crisis in Gaza, citing a litany of atrocities.

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