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Four killed in firing from across Iranian border

QUETTA: Four Pakis­tani nationals were killed and two others injured in firing by Iranian forces along the border in Washuk district of Balochistan.

According to officials, the firing occurred in the Judar-Bacharai border area late Tuesday night.

“Iranian forces op­­ened fire inside Pakistani border,” a senior official of the Mashkel administration said, adding that the victims were sitting in the Pakistani border area when the Iranian forces opened fire.

“We have received four bodies and two injured,” Dr Ashraf at Mashkel Rural Health Centre said. “The Pakistani nationals killed and injured were involved in the supply of Iranian smuggled oil,” an official posted at the border said.

However, one of the injured, identified as Akhtar, claimed that they were waiting for an oil consignment when the Iranian forces opened fire, resulting in the deaths of eight people, including four Iranians who were taken away by Iranian forces.

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