Home / Dallas News / Leaders are watching North Texas’ high lake levels

Leaders are watching North Texas’ high lake levels

Following recent heavy rainfall, lakes across North Texas are nearly reaching their capacity.

Philip Swift, Fort Worth City Marshal, noted that regional lake levels are significantly elevated due to the consecutive rain events. He explained that with the ground saturated, excess water runs off into the lakes instead of being absorbed.

As of Monday, Lake Worth was just shy of reaching a potentially dangerous level at 595.08 feet above sea level. Swift mentioned concerns about flooding docks and property damage once the water level surpasses this threshold, prompting the closure of the lake until levels recede.

Fortunately, since Monday, Lake Worth’s levels have slightly decreased. However, Swift emphasized that prolonged heavy rainfall and substantial upstream releases are necessary to elevate concerns again.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is closely monitoring all lakes in the metroplex. While the flood and dam systems are functioning as intended, the agency remains vigilant, prepared to deploy pumps to mitigate flood risks in urban areas if needed.

Despite the unusual wet season, many residents are enjoying the surplus of water. Standup paddle-boarder Debra Ellis expressed relief, recalling low water levels last summer that hindered access to the lake. Similarly, boater Hector Martinez noted the convenience of launching his boat during this time, a rare opportunity compared to previous years.

While the high water levels offer recreational opportunities, caution is advised due to potential hazards such as debris and displaced wildlife in floodwaters, as highlighted by the USACE.

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