Home / Dallas News / Car accessory company moves headquarters to Mesquite

Car accessory company moves headquarters to Mesquite

A new company is calling Texas Home after its headquarters moved to Mesquite for lower taxes, cheaper property, and a better business environment.

Governor Abbotts and city leaders came to North Texas for the ribbon cutting.

We know more about what will fill a city-owned business park in South Mesquite. The Vehicle Accessory Group will move in with around 470 planned jobs to make the location its new headquarters.

The company’s chairman, J. Pearson, told NBC 5 that they closed plants in Buffalo, New York, and Anaheim, California, to move their production line here. A business incentive program from the City of Mesquite and the State of Texas got the ball rolling, including providing a very affordable lease agreement.

“Our lease here was half the price of California, half! So that really helps out. We also gave some of that money to our employees,” said Pearson.

The first heavy-duty machine in the new factory is a preview of what’s to come. The company makes bumper protectors, splash guards, door seals, and other add-ons.

“Pretty much anything to take your vehicle to the next level,” said Pearson.

Toyota is one of their major customers. Its own North American headquarters is right up the highway in Plano.

Chris Nielson, a senior vice president at Toyota, told a crowd gathered on Tuesday that “Texas is the place to be.”

According to a Spring report from the Federal Reserve, Texas leads the country in job relocation, with the largest chunk moving from California.

This move is the latest example.

“When they bring their businesses and employees to Texas, we can deliver the business climate, the workforce, the infrastructure that they need to be able to succeed,” Governor Greg Abbott, R – Texas, told the crowd of employees.

The governor didn’t take questions from the press. Even though lawmakers just approved the largest property tax reduction in state history, he said more may be coming next January.

“We will again this coming session with another large property tax cut,” said Gov. Abbott.

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