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Dallas to phase out most alley trash collection in favor of curbside

The way trash is collected in Dallas may soon change, as the city plans to phase out most alley-trash pickups in favor of curbside collection over the next few years. This shift aims to improve worker safety, efficiency, and cost savings.

According to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, each person generates about five pounds of trash per day, making trash collection methods a topic of interest for many. Dallas District 1 councilmember Chad West, representing parts of Oak Cliff and Bishop Arts, noted, “I’ve had residents I’ve never heard from in five years reach out about this.”

Currently, most Dallas residents have curbside trash collection, but 38 percent still receive alley service. Cookie Peadon, president of the North Dallas Neighborhood Alliance, expressed concerns about older residents managing the physical demands of moving trash and recycling bins from the alley to the curb. “Many people here are elderly and mobility-challenged,” Peadon said.

Dallas interim city manager Kimberly Bizor Tolbert indicated that the transition would be gradual. “This change won’t happen overnight, but we definitely need to start looking at it.”

During a city council briefing on Tuesday, the Department of Sanitation Services outlined the timeline and criteria for switching alley trash pickup to curbside. Clifton Gillespie, the sanitation department director, explained that modern trash trucks, which are nine feet wide, cannot navigate older, narrower alleys. He also mentioned that moving to more curbside pickups could save $9 million annually, potentially slowing the rate of fee increases for residents, though a reduction in sanitation fees couldn’t be guaranteed.

The plan proposes ending alley trash pickup in eight-foot-wide alleys by January 2026 and in nine-foot-wide alleys six months later. Alleys that are 10 feet wide and paved with concrete, with an additional five feet of right-of-way, could retain trash pickup using automated side-loading trucks.

The change doesn’t require a vote, and the city council is advocating for a slow rollout. District 10 councilmember Kathy Stewart emphasized the need for effective communication with residents, saying, “I need help communicating this to the neighbors.”

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