Home / Entertainment / Hania Aamir stirs discussion on mental health, educates people on how to help those struggling

Hania Aamir stirs discussion on mental health, educates people on how to help those struggling

Pakistani beauty queen Hania Aamir has been in the news recently over challenging beauty standards and now the actor has stepped forth with another weighty issue –mental health.

Using her platform of Instagram as a mean for social awareness, the Janaan actor in a post spoke about mental health issues in the society and how they are still getting treated with non-seriousness.

“Mental health issues are real. As real as any other ailment that needs medication. In this world of vast knowledge and access to the internet, we all can look up what mental illness looks like so if a friend comes to you explaining a situation that isn’t very normal for you to hear, just be patient and make them feel it is normal,” she stated.

She went on to explain to those who are still unaware on the subject to do research and help those struggling instead off brushing it off “it will be okay” “you should be happy more”.

“Tell them their issues are serious and that you understand! Comfort them make them feel safe and consult a psychologist/ psychiatrist if need be,” she added.

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