Home / Entertainment / YouTube star Emily Hartridge killed in a fatal road accident

YouTube star Emily Hartridge killed in a fatal road accident

Acclaimed YouTube personality Emily Hartridge breathed her last on Saturday at the age of 35, after a road accident leaving her fans and followers in a state of disbelief and sorrow.

The announcement of the YouTube sensation’s death was made over her Instagram as the post informed followers of how the tragedy unfolded.

“This is a horrible thing to have to say over Instagram but we know many of you were expecting to see Emily today and this is the only way to contact you all at once,” the post read.

“Emily was involved in an accident yesterday and passed away. We all loved her to bits and she will never be forgotten. She has touched so many lives it’s hard to imagine things without her. She was a very special person,” it added.

It was reported by the London metropolitan Police in a press release that Emily, in her 30s met a fatal  crash between an electric scooter and a truck and was pronounced dead on the spot

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