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Instagram to add new tools for users to flag misinformation

Instagram users will soon be able to report content they consider to be fake as the Facebook-owned app joins the fight against online misinformation.

The new feature, announced on Thursday, will allow users of the photo and video sharing app to flag suspicious posts.

Flagged content will no longer show up in Instagram’s explore page, and will also be removed from hashtag search results.

Posting false information is not banned on any of Facebook’s suite of social media services, but the company is taking steps to limit the reach of inaccurate information and warn users about disputed claims.

Stephanie Otway, a Facebook company spokesman, said the feature is “an initial step as work towards a more comprehensive approach tackling misinformation.”

The app has previously made other efforts to crack down on misinformation in May, Instagram introduced image-blocking technology to detect content that had been debunked on Facebook, which then would have its reach similarity limited.

Social media sites have become fertile ground for peddling online misinformation, which has been on the rise and blamed for spreading falsehoods

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