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Iranian students voice support for people of Indian occupied Kashmir

TEHRAN: Pakistan’s Ambassador to Iran  Riffat Masood  on Thursday attended a ceremony organised in Tehran by an Iranian students organisation to highlight the Kashmir issue.

A large number of Iranian students of different universities from across the country attended the ceremony.

 Abdollahzadeh, head of the International section of Tahkim-e-Vahdat student organisation, welcomed the guests and shed light on the long outstanding Kashmir dispute between Pakistan and India.

In her speech, Ambassador Riffat Masood highlighted the plight of Kashmiris after the abrogation of the special status of Indian occupied Jammu and Kashmir under the Presidential decree of 5 August 2019 by the Indian government.

The ambassador briefed the audience on the illegal action taken by the Indian government, in contravention of international law and the relevant UN Security Council Resolutions, to suppress the popular aspiration of the people of Indian occupied Kashmir to exercise their right to self-determination.

 The ambassador added that Prime Minister Imran Khan in his speech at the United Nations General Assembly session in New York had urged the United Nations and the international community to play their role in resolving the Kashmir dispute and in defusing the current situation as any conflict between the two neighbours with nuclear capabilities would entail grave implications for the region and the world.

 The ambassador, answering questions raised by students, briefed them on the history of the Kashmir issue and human rights violations in Indian occupied Kashmir and the brutalities being committed by the tyrannical Indian forces.

The ambassador also urged the Iranian students to speak up against atrocities being committed against Muslims around the world, especially the people of Indian occupied Kashmir

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