Home / Entertainment / Ryan Reynolds teases fans with Tony Stark joke as ‘Deadpool’ is speculated to join MCU

Ryan Reynolds teases fans with Tony Stark joke as ‘Deadpool’ is speculated to join MCU

Marvel fans may have bid adieu to their favourite superhero Iron Man after the events of Avengers: Endgame, but is someone else getting ready to take hold of the Iron Mantle?

Deadpool actor Ryan Reynolds may have poked at the emotions of all fans with a joke about Iron Man but there still may be something brewing with his latest talks with Marvel Studios for a new project that is reportedly in the pipeline.

While the actor kept mum about his discussion, he hinted at a possibility of Deadpool entering the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) and perhaps getting some help from Tony Stark himself.

Turning to Instagram, Reynolds posted a photo of himself at the studios with the caption: “Auditioned for the role of “Anthony Stark”. Didn’t come even remotely close, but the nice man with the taser escorted me to the ground.”

After the post, fans were quick to get excited and come up with speculations while Deadpool creator Rob Liefeld took the chance to troll the actor as he commented: “Oh man, so they cancelled you in person huh? Made you fly all that way! So sad!

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