Home / Health / Pakistan has the highest rate of Breast Cancer in Asia, says health expert

Pakistan has the highest rate of Breast Cancer in Asia, says health expert

Pakistan has the highest rate of breast cancer cases recorded all over Asia, with an estimate of one in every nine women developing the disease in their lifetime, according to Dr Sana Zeeshan, a breast surgeon and the director of breast screening department at the city’s Agha Khan University Hospital.

Observing “The Breast Cancer Awareness Month” with a “Pink Walk” the Agha Khan University held a seminar, at the university premises. A crowd of over 500 people dressed in pink, along with pink caps and ribbons, walked to show their support for the cause.

Several participants also held placards with informative facts on breast cancer written on them.

“An early detection does not only result in cost-effective treatment, but also saves lives. All of us have a duty to spread awareness on early diagnosis of breast cancer”. It is important to understand that this disease is treatable if caught early,” Dr.Hasnain shared.

World Breast Cancer Awareness Month is observed internationally throughout the month of October.

Health experts have urged men to ask their mothers, sisters, wives and daughters to get diagnosed for the disease at an early stage and save lives.

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