Home / Dallas News / Pelosi announces deal with Trump on North American trade deal critical to Texas

Pelosi announces deal with Trump on North American trade deal critical to Texas

WASHINGTON – House Speaker Nancy Pelosi on Tuesday announced a deal between Democrats and President Donald Trump on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement, a revamp of a 25-year-old trade pact critical to the Texas economy.

The compromise paves the way for Congress to pass the new accord in the coming weeks, bringing Trump ever closer to a win on what’s long been a top legislative goal.

Pelosi’s announcement came only an hour after she and House Democrats outlined articles of impeachment against the president, offering a split-screen look at Washington’s bizarre state of affairs in the third year of Trump’s White House tenure.

The speaker called Tuesday a “day we’ve all been working to and working for” on the trade deal, explaining that Democrats won concessions from the Trump administration on labor-backed provisions governing the environment, workers’ rights and the pharmaceutical industry.

“It’s a victory for America’s workers,” Pelosi said at a news conference, flanked by a group of Democratic lawmakers that included Reps. Colin Allred of Dallas, Lizzie Fletcher of Houston, Veronica Escobar of El Paso and Eddie Bernice Johnson of Dallas.

Trump, weighing in on Twitter, appeared to agree.

“Looking like very good Democrat support for USMCA,” he wrote, pausing from a series of impeachment-related social media missives to hail the “best and most important trade deal ever made by the USA.” “That would be great for our Country!”

The political ramifications of the trade deal – a revamp of the North American Free Trade Agreement – could be far-reaching in a state like Texas.

Trump and Texas Republicans like Sen. John Cornyn would be able to point to a long-desired achievement as they take to the 2020 campaign in the Lone Star State, providing them valuable political capital at a moment when Texas has emerged as a battleground state for the first time in decades.

Democrats would now have an indisputable counter to the GOP’s claims that they have pursued impeachment to the detriment of anything else, giving a boost to lawmakers like Allred and Fletcher, first-term House members who last year toppled longtime GOP incumbents.

All sides can point to the economic stakes: Texas last year conducted more than $264 billion in trade with Mexico and Canada, covering everything from autos to agriculture.

Many trade experts have tempered expectations about the new deal’s overall impact, cautioning that it’s better described as an overdue update than a sweeping change. The accord is unlikely to dramatically reshape the North American economy – for good or ill – like the original did.

But the agreement’s value must be weighed against the alternatives offered by Trump.

So any reaffirmation of the three-party trade deal was welcome news for Texas business and political leaders, who feared severe economic consequences if the cross-border bindings between the North American trio were ripped apart.

“This is huge news for Texas and for the whole North American region,” said Jennifer Apperti, manager of The Mission Foods Texas-Mexico Center at Southern Methodist University. “Having an agreement is, of course, better than no type of agreement.”

Donald J. Trump


Looking like very good Democrat support for USMCA. That would be great for our Country!

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The breakthrough marks a major accomplishment for Trump’s bare-knuckled trade agenda. Employing a protectionist bent unusual for a Republican, the president has launched tit-for-tat tariff wars with China and many other major trading partners across the globe.

It’s unclear if the North American pact will serve as a blueprint for other efforts, though reports also emerged Tuesday that the U.S. may soon reach a détente of sorts with China to potentially delay hefty tariffs on a wide swath of goods from that country.

NAFTA, without question, represented a ripe opportunity.

No one has disputed the need to update the accord, which has come under strain amid the rise of e-commerce and other advancements since it went into effect in 1994. Trump went further by criticizing the pact as the “worst trade deal ever made” and blaming it for the loss of U.S. jobs.

The U.S. last year cajoled its North American neighbors – as Trump issued stern threats while backing off his most contentious demands – to sign off on the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement.

Among the deal’s major provisions: An increase in the percentage of each automobile that must be made in North America to qualify for duty-free standing. Improved labor rights for Mexican workers. Increased access to the Canadian market for American dairy farmers.

Georgetown Law


Nancy Pelosi today announced a deal with the White House on the trade agreement, calling it “a victory for America’s workers.” ‘s Professor @AlvarSantos of @gtownCAROLA explains 3 key ways it differs from .

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Texas provided the vanguard in promoting the effort.

While NAFTA is still regarded with scorn in many Midwestern states where factories sit idle, the trade pact has become a central part of Texas’ economy. About 1 million Texas jobs are supported by trade with Canada and Mexico, according to the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.

So the Texas Association of Business has pushed for USMCA’s approval. As has the Texas Farm Bureau. As have many Texas politicians, no matter the party affiliation.

“We believe that no state will gain more from this new agreement than Texas, and no state has more to lose if it doesn’t pass than our state,” Rep. Kevin Brady of The Woodlands, the top Republican on the House Ways and Means Committee, said last week.

But Pelosi and her leadership team were not inclined to rubber stamp the agreement, setting off monthslong negotiations that became only more complicated as House Democrats began making the case that Trump should be impeached.

The result of those contentious talks became apparent Tuesday.

Sabrina Rodríguez


Here’s a look at what changes House Democrats landed on in negotiations:

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Among the changes: Tougher enforcement of the new labor standards set for Mexico. The reinsertion of some key environmental rules. The removal of a provision that would’ve protected certain biologic medication from generic competition for a decade.

The trade deal now has the support of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and the AFL-CIO.

“This trade agreement is much better than NAFTA,” Pelosi said. “It is infinitely better than what was initially proposed by the administration.”

Some Republicans bristled at the Democrats’ victory lap. Rep. Brian Babin, R-Woodville, said it was “shameless” for Pelosi to make the USMCA announcement on the same day that she detailed articles of impeachment against Trump: “Amazing but sadly predictable,” he said.

But other signs pointed to overwhelming backing for the compromise deal. A House vote could come as soon as next week, though Senate action could wait until next year. If the deal gets the final OK, both parties are sure to use it on the 2020 campaign trail and beyond.

“This agreement is a win for all Americans,” said Rep. Ron Wright, R-Arlington.

All 23 Texas Republicans in the House this week signed a letter urging USMCA’s passage. Similar support seems likely in the GOP-run Senate, though Cornyn said Tuesday that he wanted to review the “details to ensure it’s in the best interest of Texas producers and consumers.”

Many Democrats from Texas likewise showered praise on the revised pact.

“This agreement will shift the trade paradigm and will work to create a new standard for trade agreements that will protect workers and the environment both here at home, and across the North American continent,” said Allred, the freshman Dallas Democrat.

Laredo Rep. Henry Cuellar, who was heavily involved in negotiations, touted the deal as a “historic agreement.” Austin Rep. Lloyd Doggett, a House Ways and Means Committee member, said the pact was a modern trade deal that “finally … not only encourages more trade but adds protection for the environment and workers.”

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