Home / Dallas News / Texas Reps. Allred and Fletcher, Democrats facing tough 2020 race, will vote to impeach Trump

Texas Reps. Allred and Fletcher, Democrats facing tough 2020 race, will vote to impeach Trump

WASHINGTON – Dallas Rep. Colin Allred on Friday announced that he will vote to impeach President Donald Trump, saying “it is clear the president engaged in an abuse of his authority, putting himself above the law, and his personal interests above the nation’s.”

“These uncontroverted facts are an unacceptable violation of his oath of office and constitute an impeachable abuse of power,” he said in a news release. “This is a somber moment for our nation, and I have not reached this decision lightly.”

Allred, a freshman lawmaker, had been one of three Texas Democrats to not yet make clear their position on impeachment.

His announcement came shortly after the House Judiciary Committee on Friday voted along party lines to approve two articles of impeachment against Trump over his Ukraine dealings. One article covers abuse of power, while the other covers obstruction of Congress.

Later Friday another Texas Democrat, Rep. Lizzie Fletcher of Houston, also announced that she will vote to impeach Trump.

“As a member of Congress, I also swore an oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States,” she said in a news release. “And that is why, when the articles of impeachment are presented in the House, I will vote yes on both.”

That leaves Rep. Henry Cuellar of Laredo as the only one of the 13 Texas Democrats in Congress who has not said how he’ll vote next week, when the Democrat-run House is expected to take up – and pass – the impeachment articles.

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