Home / Dallas News / `No one should wait six hours to vote,’ but in Texas, thousands did on Super Tuesday

`No one should wait six hours to vote,’ but in Texas, thousands did on Super Tuesday

Joe Biden had an exceedingly Super Tuesday in Texas. But for thousands of Texas voters, primary night was a nightmare. Many waited four hours. A thousand or more in Houston waited six hours. An untold number gave up and went to bed.

In 2014, a bipartisan presidential commission on election reform said that no voter should have to wait longer than 30 minutes to cast a ballot.

It was a perfect storm of poor planning, staff shortages, aging machines, lax oversight since a 2013 Supreme Court ruling ended federal scrutiny under the Voting Rights Act, and unexpectedly high turnout.

Like other major Texas counties, Harris County had cut back sharply on the number of polling sites under a widely praised state law meant to save money and boost convenience by letting people vote anywhere in the county.

“I definitely could see why people would feel like this situation is a tactic to keep people of color from voting,” said Nadia Tamez-Robledo, 32, who rushed to Texas Southern University after work on Tuesday, arriving at 6:50, 10 minutes before polls closed.

“The line was coming out of the library and it was wrapped halfway around the quad,” she said. “I was like, ‘I don’t know how this is gonna go.’”

She had plenty of time to think about it.

At 12:30 a.m., she counted about 70 people still behind her in line. At 12:40 a.m., she finally cast her ballot. The next morning, her knees and back still hurt from standing for so long.

There were plenty of explanations but only one point of full consensus: This is not acceptable.

“The good news is that the intensity of the interest of the voters was reflected in long lines. That we can applaud. They came in droves,” said Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee, a Houston Democrat who arrived before midnight at the historically black TSU to witness the fiasco and encourage those patient enough to keep waiting.

But she said, “The great amount of these long lines and late nights were in communities that were urban and communities that were minority. I’m not going to say it was intentional or nefarious. I am going to say more vetting needed to be done.”

Academic research shows that long lines leave an impression, making voters think twice about bothering in the next election.

The long lines in Harris County were mostly in Democratic, lower-income and non-white areas.

Democrats turned out 2-1 on Election Day. Yet two-thirds of the county’s new voting centers were in Republican commissioner districts.

At Let America Vote, president Tiffany Muller blamed long lines on “a coordinated and calculated effort to suppress the right to vote, specifically targeting communities of color.”

Roxanne Werner, a spokeswoman for the Harris County Clerk’s office, blamed a combination of high turnout and a flood of voters flocking to Texas Southern, a voting center first used last November.

Voters line up at a polling station to cast their ballots during the presidential primary in Houston, Texas on Super Tuesday, March 3, 2020. - Fourteen states and American Samoa are holding presidential primary elections, with over 1400 delegates at stake. Americans vote Tuesday in primaries that play a major role in who will challenge Donald Trump for the presidency, a day after key endorsements dramatically boosted Joe Biden's hopes against surging leftist Bernie Sanders. The backing of Biden by three of his ex-rivals marked an unprecedented turn in a fractured, often bitter campaign. (Photo by Mark Felix / AFP) (Photo by MARK FELIX/AFP via Getty Images)
Voters line up at a polling station to cast their ballots during the presidential primary in Houston, Texas on Super Tuesday, March 3, 2020. – Fourteen states and American Samoa are holding presidential primary elections, with over 1400 delegates at stake. Americans vote Tuesday in primaries that play a major role in who will challenge Donald Trump for the presidency, a day after key endorsements dramatically boosted Joe Biden’s hopes against surging leftist Bernie Sanders. The backing of Biden by three of his ex-rivals marked an unprecedented turn in a fractured, often bitter campaign. (Photo by Mark Felix / AFP) (Photo by MARK FELIX/AFP via Getty Images)(MARK FELIX / AFP via Getty Images)

History of long lines

Long waits are hardly unprecedented in American elections.

In 2012, a 102-year-old from North Miami, Fla., Desiline Victor waited four hours to cast a ballot for President Barack Obama. She attended his next State of the Union address as an honored guest in the first lady’s box, to amplify his calls for election reform.

At historically black TSU on Tuesday night, a voter named Hervis Rogers got in line shortly before polls closed and didn’t get to cast a ballot — for Biden — until 1:30 a.m. The delay made him late for his second job on an overnight shift. It also made his vote the last one cast in Texas.

“The way it was set up, it was like it was set up for me to walk away,” he told reporters. “But I said I am not going to do that.”

Hillary Clinton, the 2016 Democratic nominee for president, called Rogers’ ordeal a “poll tax.”

Hillary Clinton


A seven-hour wait to vote is a poll tax.

We need to restore the Voting Rights Act and stop Republican elected officials from shutting down polling sites. https://twitter.com/edlavaCNN/status/1235107988798488583 

ed lavandera


The last voter at Texas Southern University has walked out of the voting booth. It took Hervis Rogers nearly 7 hours to vote tonight. #supertuesday2020

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The phrase evoked the era of Jim Crow, and much of the debate raging Wednesday about what went wrong and how it could have been averted revolved around a 2013 Supreme Court ruling in Shelby County v. Holder that gutted the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

In a 5-4 ruling, the court ended Justice Department oversight of Texas and eight other states that precluded changes to election rules without prior OK.

Since 2012, Texas has closed 750 polling places, and an analysis this week by The Guardian found that 542 of those sites were in the 50 counties that gained the most black and Hispanic residents.

Shelby ended pre-clearance by striking down the formula that put Texas and other jurisdictions under the microscope based on past bad behavior.

“Our country has changed,” Chief Justice John G. Roberts wrote in the ruling. Congress could restore preclearance, but it would need to craft rules based on current conditions rather than decades-old infractions of civil rights.

Democrats have tried.

Most recently the House approved the Voting Rights Enhancement Act three months ago on a party-line vote. The bill would set new criteria for determining which states and localities have a history of discrimination that justifies federal scrutiny for any changes in election procedures.

Of the states under Justice Department scrutiny before Shelby, Texas has closed the most polling sites, by far. Six of the top 10 counties in those states are in Texas, including Harris, Dallas, Travis and Bexar.

“We reaped the rotten fruit of willful, selective neglect of voting infrastructure in Texas… and the impact was widespread voter suppression,” said Texas Civil Rights Project executive director Mimi Marziani.

Rep. Joaquin Castro, D-San Antonio, chairman of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, likewise pointed to the end of federal oversight, saying that could have averted some of the problems.

“The Justice Department and the courts should take a look at the consequences of the Shelby decision,” he said. “You can have the right to do something without the real ability to do it.”

Tarrant County snafus

In Tarrant County, some Democrats faced long lines at polling sites where Republicans cast ballots with relative ease.

Travis and some other counties set up their machines to handle voters in either primary. But in Tarrant County, the two parties decided “over our strong objections” to devote machines to one primary or the other, but not both, said Tarrant County Judge Glen Whitley.

“We told them exactly what was going to happen and they still said they wanted it that way and what happened, happened,” he said.

The county assigned 1,767 machines to the Republican primary and 1,015 to Democrats, with input from the county parties.

Jeremy Bradford, executive director of the Tarrant County GOP, said his party didn’t want to commit to having its election judges working until the last Democrat cast a vote.

Besides, he said, “who’s to say that we wouldn’t have a rush of Republicans come in and vote?…Our job is not to make it easier for elections administrators or the other party, it’s to make it easy and fair for our voters.”

Whitley said the county had up to 300 extra voting machines it could have deployed, but the parties had chosen some polling sites that were too small to fit any more machines.

“It’s just a perfect storm,” he said. “You couldn’t have asked for a bigger combination of things to happen, that’s why there ended up being tremendous wait lines.”

Harris County also had dedicated machines, and Tamez-Robledo said it was frustrating to see Republicans come and go without delay as she continued to wait.

“This is what voting in Texas looks like after Supreme Court gutted Voting Rights Act,” tweeted Ari Berman, author of Give Us the Ballot: The Modern Struggle for Voting Rights in America, sharing a photo of the line at TSU late Tuesday night.

“Whenever there’s fewer polling places that we see longer lines, which is what we saw in Texas,” said Leigh Chapman, director of the voting rights program at The Leadership Conference on Civil and Human Rights. “The problem is worse when polling sites are moved abruptly or with little notice to voters, “and when there isn’t any impact analysis to see if there’s a discriminatory racial impact based on where people live, based on transportation — people might have to travel longer distances.”

Poll worker shortage, aging machines

Lawmakers and voting law experts blamed antiquated 20-year-old voting machines, machines that didn’t work, and not enough staff.

Many of the voting systems in use in Texas were bought with federal funds provided under the 2002 Help America Vote Act, and are need of replacement.

Jackson Lee plans to push for more funding to help local jurisdictions modernize their voting equipment but meanwhile, she’s frustrated that the Senate has refused to take up a bill the House approved in December.

In the Legislature, state Rep. Celia Israel, a member of the elections committee, touted a bill Wednesday to provide more state funds to help counties buy new voting machines. The measure passed the House last year but died in the Senate.

Nina Perales, vice president of litigation at the Mexican American Legal Defense and Education Fund, cautioned against connecting problems on Tuesday night for black and Hispanic voters with the closing of neighborhood polling locations.

Countywide voting centers have benefits, she insisted, and will help in the long run. A center at a college, for instance makes it easier for students and staff to cast ballots without going off campus.

Matthew Weil, director of the Bipartisan Policy Center’s Elections Project, agreed.

Weil coauthored a report last November that found that in 2018, the number of voters nationwide who had to wait at least 30 minutes doubled from the previous midterm elections, in 2014. And longest wait times often occur in areas with high minority populations, more renters and lower incomes.

Centralized voting sites like the one at TSU hold promise, he said, even if Tuesday night was marred by understaffing, malfunctioning machines and too few machines.

“I really do think this was more of a case of new processes that voters weren’t used to, and extraordinarily high turnout, rather than any kind of systematic attempt to disenfranchise people,” he said.

That said, he added, “No one should wait six hours to vote.”

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