Home / Entertainment / Meghan Markle’s big Hollywood return to be with ‘The Simpsons’?

Meghan Markle’s big Hollywood return to be with ‘The Simpsons’?

Meghan Markle, following her exit from the British royal family with husband Prince Harry, has sparked multiple rumours about her probable return to Hollywood.

While some of the chitchat was put to rest earlier, now the word on the street is that the Duchess of Sussex has been offered a voice-over job by the producers of the hit show The Simpsons.

Circulating reports suggest that the former Suits star is eager to make her comeback in Hollywood and get right back into acting.

The Simpsons showrunner, AI Jean during an interview with RadioTimes said that Meghan was more than welcome to work for the show.

“We’ve talked about Harry and Meghan. I hear she wants to do voiceover work, so if they’re reading this, give us a call,” the producer said.

The news comes almost a year after Harry’s viral clip featuring him telling a Disney executive that the former actor is back on the market for voiceovers.

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