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Six-month-old, 4 doctors test positive in Gujrat

GUJRAT: A six-month-old girl has tested positive for coronavirus in Gujrat after her father was declared a Covid-19 patient around a week ago.

The infant is being kept at home, while her mother will also be screened for the virus.

At least 317 suspected patients of coronavirus have so far tested negative in Gujrat out of a total of 428; 61 of the total had tested positive till Monday. On Tuesday, the health department tested 55 more suspects and the results of around 100 were awaited.

Four doctors, including two from the Aziz Bhatti Shaheed Teaching Hospital (ABSTH) as well as a medic couple, have tested positive for Covid-19. A senior doctor of the hospital had already been found infected a few days ago.

The local administration has decided to seal the private clinics of these doctors who had been sent into isolation.

The doctor husband and wife, who were running a private hospital in the city, had recently returned from a preaching mission along with a group of Tableeghi Jamaat a few days ago.

The husband had even gone to the mosque to offer the last Friday prayers despite having fever and other symptoms, which some locals informed the authorities about. The health authorities then tested the doctor and sent him into isolation after which he and his wife tested positive on Monday.

A 27-year-old staff member of a major grocery store along Bhimbher Road has also tested positive for the virus.

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