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Pak-British naval drill held

ISLAMABAD: The Pakistan Navy and Britain’s Royal Navy have conducted exercise White Star 2020 in the North Arabian Sea and Passage Exercise in the Gulf of Aden.

In a statement issued here on Friday, Pakistan Navy said that in exercise White Star 2020 in North Arabian Sea, PN Ships Zulfiquar and Dehshat, PN Aviation fixed and rotary aircraft and PAF JF-17 fighter participated with Royal Navy Ship HMS Argyll.

In the Passage Exercise in Gulf of Aden, Pakistan Navy Ship Saif and Royal Navy Ship HMS Argyll participated while the ships were deployed for maritime security operations.

The main objective of naval exercises between PN and RN was to further enhance collaboration through exchange of experience and improve interoperability between the two navies. The exercises covered a range of naval operations encompassing anti-surface and anti-air warfare, manoeuvring and communication exercises to provide optimum training.

Pakistan Navy said that these exercises were a testimony of its resolve to contribute to regional peace and stability. The exercises will further strengthen bilateral cooperation and ties between the navies of Pakistan and the United Kingdom.

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