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No female doctor in five Gadoon BHUs

SWABI: All the five basic health units across the Gadoon Amazai mountainous region here have long been without female doctors, locals complained here on Monday.

They told Dawn that BHUs in Ghani Chathra, Gabasni, Gandaf, Mangal Chai and Malik Abad also lacked the required equipment and medicines. They said health department officers and elected representatives had repeatedly been informed about the matter, but to no avail.

The locals said mortality rate among women during pregnancy was high in the region due to lack of proper healthcare.

Dr Mohammad Oqail Farooqi, who recently retired, said it was pathetic that the entire Gadoon Amazai belt was without a gynaecologist and a female medical officer. He said pregnancy-related complications were resulting in deaths of women.

Amjid Ali of Utla village said women’s suffering was because of non-availability of health facilities in the region, illiteracy, lack of healthcare awareness and failure of the male members to understand their health complications.

He said poverty was another factor hindering proper treatment of women when they fell sick. He said lack of female doctors and cultural restrictions that male doctors could not check up women were putting negative effects on women health.

“In most cases females suffering from pregnancy complications die for want of proper healthcare,” local Mohammad Riaz said. The residents demanded of the government to post the required women doctors to health facilities in the Gadoon region.

WOMEN EDUCATION HIGHLIGHTED: Women University Swabi Vice-Chancellor Dr Shahana Urooj Kazmi on Monday met with mothers of the students enrolled in the varsity’s allied health sciences and technology faculty the other day.

She thanked the parents for extending support to the varsity in every possible manner, which she said was imperative for a prosperous society. She said no society could prosper without educated women.

“The students of the university are highly talented and intelligent, and I am sure they will become future leaders of the nation,” she maintained.

The parents lauded the establishment of the new faculty.

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