Home / Entertainment / Paul McCartney pays homage to The Beatles’ front man John Lennon on his birthday

Paul McCartney pays homage to The Beatles’ front man John Lennon on his birthday

On music legend John Lennon’s 80th birth anniversary, his dear friend Paul McCartney paid tribute to him in a touching post.

In a heartfelt tribute, the Hey Jude singer looked back at his friendship with the late front man of The Beatles.

He turned to his social media with a monochrome shot of the two and wrote: “I love this picture, it reminds of the bond between us. Happy 80th John. Love Paul.”

While McCartney and Lennon’s friendship had gone through its fair share of bumps, the two had buried the hatchet and were closer than ever before the death of the Imagine hit maker.

A book by Kenneth Womack, titled John Lennon 1980: The Last Days in the Life, has also hit the shelves on the late rock star’s 80th birthday.

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