Home / Entertainment / Justin Bieber slams hater targeting Hailey Baldwin: ‘You sad excuse of a human!’

Justin Bieber slams hater targeting Hailey Baldwin: ‘You sad excuse of a human!’

Justin Bieber has put his foot down with haters attempting to bash Hailey Baldwin.

For the unversed, Bieber was forced to make a public statement regarding it all because of a video that caught his attention. This video contained hateful slurs and derogatory words directed towards Hailey, by one of Selena Gomez’s fans.

The girl urged fans to start a war against Bieber’s new love interest simply because “Selena is better” than her. “This is the time where they will not be turning off comments. So we need to [expletive] bombard that [expletive] with Jelena and how Selena is better. Go after her, please, let’s all go after her,” she echoed at the time.

He used his Insta stories to shed light on the trolling with two seperate stories.  The first read, “This sad excuse of a human just encouraged people on video to literally go after my wife telling people to say that my previous relationship was better so on and so fourth. I just wanted to share this so people get an idea of what we face on a day to day.”

“It is extremely hard to choose the high road when I see people like this try and rally to gather people to bully the person I love most in the world. It is not right.”

“As many people as there are that want to spend their time publicly degrading shaming and trying to humiliate us we would like to ask those who have it in them to lift us up in prayer. We need prayer and support as we continue to put ourselves out there!”

The second was aimed towards spreading a bit of positivity and read, “I think about her life and how miserable she must be to want to spend her life trying to make others feels small.”

“The lesson here is SHES THE ONE MISSING OUT.. life is fulfilling when you uplift and add value to people! A life where you want to make others feel small will leave you with no friends and no real JOY.”

Even Hailey shared her husband’s sentiments regarding the issue and took to her own Instagram handle to write, “I usually stay quiet and don’t acknowledge these things because I need to protect myself and my mental.” (sic)

“But it has truly gotten to a level of anger and hate that is shockingly unhealthy and sad.”

“I would never in a million years wish for someone to be treated this way and I will never condone this kind of hateful behavior.”

Despite choosing the road less traveled most times, the model feels it’s time to be vocal and “support, uplift, and encourage other women in this industry and wish them nothing but love and success”

Hailey even concluded saying, “Wishing the young woman in that video all the best, I hope she finds love, peace and happiness in this life!”

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