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Border trade to boost country’s economy: minister

QUETTA: Railways Minister Sheikh Rashid Ahmed has said that the opening of border trade routes will boost the country’s economy enormously and benefit the people linked with it.

During a visit to the border town of Chaman, the authorities concerned briefed the minister about the International Trade Border Management System and development projects initiated by the National Logistics Cell in Chaman.

The minister visited Sheila Bagh Railway Tunnel and said this tunnel was the pride of Pakistan as it was blessed with beautiful views and could attract tourists. He also visited Friendship Gate and Khojak Pass.

While talking to newsmen in Chaman, Sheikh Rashid said that Pakistan Railways was improving with the passage of time and it was his desire to make it a profitable organisation.

Efforts were underway to improve railway tracks, he said, adding that the track from Karachi to Quetta and Chaman would be improved for providing maximum traveling facilities to the people.

The minister said that Pakistan Railways was extending its link with Afghanistan by laying down a track from Chaman to Spin Boldak. He said Pakistan wanted to increase its trade and economic ties with Afghanistan and the railways system was being improved to benefit the people of both countries.

Referring to railways property occupied by land mafia and other people, he said its land would be vacated and work in this regard was in progress.

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