Home / Entertainment / Selena Gomez wants to see more ‘men championing women’s causes’

Selena Gomez wants to see more ‘men championing women’s causes’

Selena Gomez believes the input of men in “championing women’s causes” will create a more harmonious future for all.

There Gomez touched upon the BLM movement, provided her take on the 2020 presidential election and showcased her hope for a better future where men champion women causes more.

“I love how supportive women can be of other women and lift each other up. And now these young girls can look up to women more than ever with our vice president, with people like Stacey Abrams, all of these women that truly are breaking the mold and they’re doing things that are incredible…”

“If anything, I would love to see men championing women more. I’m believing that this place of all these women just supporting each other is great, but we also need some support from men.”

She also added how therapy improved her commitment to self-care. “I think it’s less scary when you talk about it. So that’s some sense of freedom that I gained once I did.”

“I think I had a moment where I felt different. Like, ‘Why do I react this way? Why do I feel the way I do and nobody else does?’ and I had to figure that out. I didn’t want just to stay in this place of confusion.”

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