Home / Houston News / Photo of lit-up skyline surrounded by homes in the dark sparks outrage on social media

Photo of lit-up skyline surrounded by homes in the dark sparks outrage on social media

HOUSTON, Texas (KTRK) — A photo posted on social media is sparking outrage as thousands of people across the city of Houston prepare to spend a bitter cold night without power.

The photo, which was submitted to by a viewer on Monday, shows the Houston skyline lit up and glistening in the night far in the distance as surrounding homes and businesses are left in the dark.The photo has since garnered thousands of shares and reactions on social media, many of which include comments full of concern.

“Why is Downtown lit up like it’s 4th of July?” asked on viewer on Twitter. “Surely not all those lights need to be on.”

Another Twitter user wrote, “Most of downtown is office space, so why is it all lit up when they’re asking everyone in Houston to conserve energy to help the power grid? The surrounding homes are not only dark but cold after hours without power in sub freezing temps. This is not a good look for Houston.”

Meanwhile, residents of Dallas said city officials urged downtown businesses and buildings to turn off non-essential lights and equipment to conserve energy.

Meanwhile, Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner was critical of the state’s power grid when speaking with Eyewitness News on Monday.

He compared the situation to a storm Houstonians can’t forget.

Houston Mayor Sylvester Turner was critical of the state’s power grid when speaking with Eyewitness News on Monday.

“In 2008, when Hurricane Ike came through this area, there was a lot of conversation at the state level, even in the legislature, about ways to harden the system … to improve the system,” said Turner. “That was in 2008. That should’ve been a wake-up call. What you cannot have is … just in the Houston region alone, 1.2 million customers without power for an extended period of time.”

We also spoke with Gov. Greg Abbott on Monday and he said the massive outages that left millions in the dark were caused by private power companies that “fell short,” calling it the winter version of “Hurricane Harvey.”

“The people who have fallen short with regard to the power are the private power generation companies,” Abbott said.

In a call with Abbott expressed frustration that power generators hadn’t done enough to ensure the flow of electricity would continue.

“There’s a separate part of the system that is not working right now, and those are the private companies that generate the power that goes into ERCOT. And it’s those private companies that generate power that are not working,” Abbott said. “They were working up until about midnight last night, but after midnight, some of them literally froze up, and were incapable of providing power, and some are still incapable of providing power.”

Who’s to blame for massive power outage caused by a historic winter storm across Texas? We asked Gov. Greg Abbott and here’s his response.

Abbott promised that power would begin to be restored to about 200,000 residential customers as power plants begin coming back online after the winter storm that paralyzed the state left families desperate for power during the bitter cold.

After a cold event in 2011 that took power offline, power generators claim they did a better job of “winterizing” power plants, but Abbott says it didn’t go far enough.

“I think after what happened in 2011, an assessment was not made to gauge for this type of event, because the last time we had this type of weather was more than 100 years ago,” Abbott said. “We need to calibrate for this type of weather to make sure that the companies that are contracted with to provide the power generation in the state of Texas are going to be capable of providing power generation in these ultra cold temperatures.”

The state legislature will likely look into if the state needs a backup system, Abbott said.

Grid managers declared an emergency Monday morning after the record-breaking energy use strained utilities beyond capacity. Texas’ power grid experienced a systemwide failure as demand surged due to the historic winter conditions across the state.

Outages across Texas could last for hours, even stretching into days, due to multiple power generation plants that are offline, according to officials. An estimated 75% of the state’s power generation capacity is impacted.

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