Home / Entertainment / Wonder Woman promo released to mark Women’s Day

Wonder Woman promo released to mark Women’s Day

March 8 is observed around the world as the international day for women. Zack Snyder’s Justice League paid tribute to women by marking the day in its own way with the release of a new promo of a woman superhero – the Wonder Woman.

The Snyder’s Cut has treated its fans with solo promos new footage from the upcoming DC Extended Universe event of Batman, Superman, Aquaman and The Flash over the last few days.

The Justice league promo of Wonder Woman begins with Diana Prince  [played by Gal Gadot] appearing on screen carrying a torch in her hands. The promo then moves to the next scene with the Wonder Woman standing near an ancient Greek temple with an arrow in hand.

Like previously released promos By Snyder’s Cut, the Wonder Woman also has audio snippets from both Diana and other characters, including Hippolyta, Batman and Aquaman.

Then, the video draws to a close with Wonder Woman taking the redesigned Steppenwolf head-on.

The Justice League shared some looks of the Wonder Woman with a caption: “The Amazon Princess arrives March 18th.”

Zack Snyder’s Justice League will premiere on HBO Max on March 18.

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