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Olivia Jade opens up on intense backlash after college admissions scandal

Olivia Jade opened up about how she handled public shame after her mother, Lori Loughlin, got embroiled in the college admissions controversy.

In TikTok message, Jade shared a powerful message from a ‘very inspirational woman’ on how to deal with being criticised out in the open.

“We were talking about being publicly shamed, and I was like, ‘Well, my situation doesn’t even compare, I’m not even going to start to compare it to yours,’ ” Olivia said. “And she looked at me and said, ‘Olivia, it doesn’t matter if I’m drowning in 60 feet of water and you’re drowning in 30, we’re both still drowning.’ ”

She continued, “I think about that quote every day because I think it’s so true and it’s such a bigger message to our world right now. I think we’re all very quick to judge. I think we’re all very quick to put people down.”

“I just want people to remember, if your feelings are hurting, if they’re valid to you, they’re valid. It doesn’t matter if someone is going through worse,” she said. “You’re allowed to have a hard time in this world. But that doesn’t take away from somebody else, and that shouldn’t take away from you. We’re all human beings.”

She captioned the video: “Love this message – have a beautiful day.”

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