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Association demands 24/7 indoor, outdoor dining

LAHORE: The Pakistan Restaurants Unity Association (PRUA) on Tuesday demanded the government allow indoor and outdoor dining to alleviate the suffering of those associated with the sector.

Addressing a press conference at the Lahore Press Club, PRUA Chairman Aamer Rafique Qureshi and members demanded withdrawal of the decision to close restaurants. The association further urged that like takeaway, indoor and outdoor dining be allowed 24/7.

Mr Qureshi was of the view that opening of restaurants for 24 hours will help reduce the gathering of people and control the potential spread of Covid-19.

He claimed that 30 per cent of the restaurants had closed down due to the restrictions on the sector and hundreds of thousands of workers had been rendered jobless.

“If Covid-19 does not spread through bazaars and public transport how can it spread through the safe environment of restaurants? Why are always restaurants targeted?” he questioned.

The association also presented a set of demands for the government, including announcement of a package for restaurant workers, saying they also deserved a share in the billion-rupee relief package under the Ehsaas Emergency Cash programme; waiving off of restaurants’ utility bills and the rents of those established on government land from March 2020 till they remain closed.

Other demand included school fee of restaurant workers’ children be waived off; and recognition of the sector as an industry.

Mr Qureshi continued that they will keep raising their voices for the rights of restaurant owners and workers.

“If, at least, outdoor dining is not allowed, our protests will continue and if the need arises, we will move to Islamabad to protest,” he declared.

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