Home / Entertainment / Scarlett Johansson says had a very emotional last day on Black Widow set

Scarlett Johansson says had a very emotional last day on Black Widow set

It was an end to a very long era with Scarlett Johansson’s association with the iconic character of superspy Natasha Romanoff, also known as Black Widow.

So, it was no surprise that the 36-year-0ld American actress was very emotional on the last day on the set of Black Widow.

Scarlett Johansson’s journey with the iconic character of Black Widow started with the Marvel Cinematic Universe superhero film – Iron Man 2 in 2010. Then, Romanoff’s character became an integral part of the seven Marvel superhero films.

Scarlett Johansson had earlier given an official sendoff to Natasha in “Avengers: Endgame” which was released on April 26, 2019. The movie shows Natasha Romanoff sacrificing her life.



The Black Widow film is special in the way that it transgressed from male-led MCU stories with Scarlett Johansson playing the lead role, along with her on-screen sister Jelena Belova played by English actress Florence Pugh.

Since in an earlier flick, Natasha was seen meeting her death, the Black Widow film was set in pre-“Avengers: Infinity War” times. The entire film is a flashback. This will be the last film for Natasha Romanoff, hence last for Scarlett Johansson as well in the role.

The last day of the filming was very special for the actress along with all the cast and crew members, as most of them were seen crying.

Speaking in a media interview, Scarlett Johansson confirmed she was crying on the last day on the film set, where she worked most strenuously despite having pneumonia some of the days.

“The last thing I shot for this film was actually when Natasha and Taskmaster come together for their final fight beat,” Scarlett Johansson said.

“I was fully on an inhaler at that point crawling towards the finish line of the MCU.”

This is not it. The actress had another reason to be very emotional on that day. She revealed that it was the last day of working with her longtime fellow Heidi Moneymaker, the Black Widow stunt collaborator.

“It was actually even made much more emotional because Heidi Moneymaker, who is my longtime stunt collaborator, who has been with me on this journey for 10 years, it was also her last day as Black Widow,” emotional Scarlett Johansson confirmed.

“And so it was very fitting that she was present for that. And we just, you know, took a moment to survey this decade of time, and what we built together. We had all the feels.”

Scarlett also wished there had been seven ‘last days’ on films. “I feel like there have been like seven ‘last days’ for me on these films,” Johansson said.



“I’ve had so many last days, and they were all full of tears.”

In an interview, Black Widow director Cate Shortland also told about people’s emotional reactions revealed on the last day on the film set.

“The first A.D., Jamie [Christopher], had also done, I think, six or seven films with her,” Shortland said.

“He was crying. [Johansson] was crying, and I was crying. I think we were all really emotional. She’s a trooper, too. She had been shooting for four and a half months, and she had pneumonia.”

Cate Shortland applauded Scarlett Johansson for her determined work. “If you’ve ever had pneumonia, you know how hard it can be to get out of bed — much less film an action movie.”

“Black Widow” will release to theatres and Disney+ Premier Access on July 9.

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