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AJ McLean compares Britney Spears turbulent life to that of Princess Diana

Backstreet Boys singer AJ McLean thinks Britney Spears’ struggle is similar to what the late Princess Diana had to go through.

The 43-year-old singer spoke to co-host Cheryl Burke on his Pretty Messed Up podcast on Sunday and talked about the conservatorship battle that Spears has been fighting to end.

“I would compare the level of insanity with Britney to what happened to Princess Diana. It’s sad to see what has transpired over the last 13 years,” said McLean.

“She was the sweetest, sweetest girl. I can speak for myself: I was 14 when Backstreet Boys started. As a young person, boy or girl, thrust into this business, it makes your head spin,” he said.

“I only know one side. I don’t know what is going through the parents’ minds. In my opinion, I think it should have ended a while ago or at least dumbed down a bit. It doesn’t seem fair,” he went on to say.

“I do hope that the [resolution] is that this poor girl gets her life back. Just to be able to go to the grocery store by yourself, be able to go get a physical if you’re feeling sick,” he added.

“At the end of the day, the truth will come out. I am 100 million percent on the #FreeBritney train because I completely agree with it. All of us should just pray for Britney and also pray for her family, because, again, I can’t even imagine as a parent what is going through her mom and her dad’s mind. I want to put out a prayer for all of them,” he added.

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