Home / Dallas News / Texas Senate committee advances trans sports ban and medical abortion roadblock amid COVID-19 surge

Texas Senate committee advances trans sports ban and medical abortion roadblock amid COVID-19 surge

AUSTIN — With the House unable to conduct business without a quorum and amid a spike in COVID-19 cases linked to the delta variant, a Texas Senate committee moved forward with hearings Sunday and advanced two bills prioritized by Gov. Greg Abbott in the second special session that began Saturday.

The Texas House did not have a quorum Saturday because of Democrats still said to be in Washington, D.C., lobbying for federal voting rights legislation. Additionally, about 10 members had tested positive for COVID-19. Only 81 of the 150 House members were present at the Texas Capitol on Saturday.

On the Senate agenda Sunday afternoon were two issues: a proposed ban on transgender students participating in UIL sports and legislation that aims to limit access to abortion inducing medication.

Senate Bill 4 by Brownsville Democrat Eddie Lucio, Jr., would prohibit what some lawmakers have referred to as “mail-order” abortions, a practice by which drugs that induce abortion are sent by mail to people seeking to terminate a pregnancy.

During the pandemic, a Food and Drug Administration policy change allowed people seeking an abortion to receive the medication via mail without an in-person doctor’s office visit. Critics of the policy change, which spurred the legislation, say it creates a safety issue for people using the medication.

Although he said he didn’t like that an abortion would still take place, Lucio said the legislation would prevent complications that he believed could occur if the medication were administered without the presence of a health care provider.

“As all of you well know, I am a pro-life legislator who believes in the sanctity of life,” Lucio said. “However, this bill is a little different … the bill attempts to make sure there’s not two deaths, instead of one.”

But Blake Rocap, a health care attorney with Texas-based abortion rights group Avow, said during public testimony that the legislation wouldn’t change the fact that under current Texas law people seeking an abortion still are still subject to restrictions on abortion care, including a sonogram less than 24 hours before the abortion, which must take place in a doctor’s office.

Even with that testimony, Lubbock GOP Sen. Charles Perry said “We still need to pass this bill because it reaffirms our commitment to women’s health.”

During the hearing, Edgewood GOP Sen. Bob Hall laid out two hypothetical situations of potential abuse he believes could occur under the current setup: a family member ordering the medication for a pregnant woman and slipping it to them unknowingly, or sex traffickers forcing the medication on women they abuse.

But Rocap said he worries the bill could diminish qualiy of care, thereby hurting women, because it would effectively prevent doctors from providing medical abortion, which he says is safe, to patients who are between seven and 10 weeks pregnant. He also said it could create a chilling effect on doctors who provide that type of care because they could be subject to a felony for a failure to report complications that are unrelated to the abortion care in a future pregnancy

“If you were a physician in Texas and provided abortion care, and then, 10 years later, your patient was pregnant again with a pregnancy they wanted to carry to term, and had a complication that was unrelated to the care, you could be indicted with a state jail felony for not reporting that complication,” Rocap explained. “That seems a little egregious to me, and I hope the committee would agree with that.”

Transgender youths

Also considered Sunday was a bill that would ban transgender youths from participating in UIL sports. Under that legislation, athletes could only participate on teams in line with their biological sex.

Perry, who authored Senate Bill 2, said the intent of his bill was to ensure cisgender Texas women participating in sports would be able to have a fair shot at success. Several female-identifying athletes testified that they feared their achievements would be diminished by having to compete with transgender women, who they argued are biologically stronger.

During the regular session of the Legislature, dozens of Texans registered to testify against an identical bill. Their hours testimony reflected the position that LGBTQ youths are harmed by constant questioning of their identity.

However, the Sunday testimony on the bill lasted only about an hour and a half.

Before the hearing, Equality Texas, an LGBTQ rights organization, announced it would boycott the committee hearing. During public testimony, two representatives of the organization explained the notable absence of members of the LGBTQ community.

“Other witnesses more qualified than I will testify to the trauma these kids endure every time they are asked to plead [to] the government for their humanity at one of these hearings,” said Holt Lackey, chair of Equality Texas. “Because this committee already knows where our members stand and it’s already demonstrated that it does not care, we are not asking them to attend today.”

Both bills advanced Sunday, but it’s unclear when or if they’ll be heard by the House due to the lack of a quorum.

Similar versions of both bills passed the Senate during the first special session, but did not advance because of the quorum break.

“It feels kind of like groundhog day,” Perry said before laying out his bill.

However, this time around, the looming presence of COVID-19 was stronger than during the last session. Several members of the Health and Human Services Committee donned masks, and senators noted that public testimony may have decreased due to fear of the virus.

Hall said during a committee hearing in the regular session that he had not received a vaccine in years. Saturday, he was present at a Dallas protest against vaccine mandates.

Sen. César Blanco, D-El Paso, made a motion for the committee to adopt previous public testimony for and against identical bills in previous sessions.

“We are in a COVID surge,” he said. “Folks are afraid, and quite frankly it was short notice.”

Chair Lois Kolkhorst said the motion was not in order.

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