Home / Entertainment / Uma Thurman braves her ‘darkest secret,’ had an abortion as a teen

Uma Thurman braves her ‘darkest secret,’ had an abortion as a teen

Uma Thurman came forth sharing one of her life’s darkest secrets. The famed actress, while condemning Texas abortion law, said she had to undergo an abortion as a teenager.

Penning an emotional essay for the Washington Post op-ed, the Kill Bill star shared she had an abortion in her “late teens,” writing that “some light will shine through, reaching women and girls who might feel a shame that they can’t protect themselves from and have no agency over.”

“This law is yet another discriminatory tool against those who are economically disadvantaged, and often, indeed, against their partners,” Thurman wrote.

She continued, “Women and children of wealthy families retain all the choices in the world, and face little risk. I am grief-stricken, as well, that the law pits citizen against citizen, creating new vigilantes who will prey on these disadvantaged women, denying them the choice not to have children they are not equipped to care for, or extinguishing their hopes for the future family they might choose.”

Thurman said that she took the decision to have an abortion because at the time she was not ready to raise kids, which ultimately gave her the authority to have them when she was ready.

“It has been my darkest secret until now,” she said. “I am 51 years old, and I am sharing it with you from the home where I have raised my three children, who are my pride and joy.”

She concluded, “To all of you — to women and girls of Texas, afraid of being traumatized and hounded by predatory bounty hunters; to all women outraged by having our bodies’ rights taken by the state; and to all of you who are made vulnerable and subjected to shame because you have a uterus — I say: I see you. Have courage. You are beautiful. You remind me of my daughters.”

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