Home / Pakistan / Pakistan Army sepoy martyred in exchange of fire with terrorists in North Waziristan: ISPR

Pakistan Army sepoy martyred in exchange of fire with terrorists in North Waziristan: ISPR

A Pakistan Army soldier was martyred in an exchange of fire with alleged terrorists in the North Waziristan tribal district, the military’s media wing said on Monday.

According to the Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR), a post of security forces was targeted by terrorists in North Waziristan’s Ghariuom area.

“Troops responded promptly” to the attack, while Sepoy Muhammad Amir Iqbal, 30, was martyred in the ensuing exchange of fire.

An area clearance operation was in progress to eliminate any terrorists found in the area, the ISPR said.

The incident comes two days after four Frontier Corps soldiers and a sub-inspector of Levies Force were martyred when terrorists targeted their vehicle in the Spinwam area of North Waziristan.

That incident took place in the area a day after Shura Mujahideen of North Waziristan headed by Taliban ‘commander’ Hafiz Gul Bahadur announced a ceasefire for 20 days.

The group announced a cessation of hostilities following a statement by Prime Minister Imran Khan that his government had initiated a reconciliation process with different groups of the banned Tehreek-i-Taliban Pakistan to end violence.

The premier had stated that the Afghan Taliban were playing a reconciliatory role in talks with the banned outfits.

On Thursday, a Pakistan Army captain was martyred during an intelligence-based operation (IBO) against TTP militants in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s Tank district.

TTP terrorist commander Khawaza din alias Sher Khan was killed in the operation, while weapons and ammunition were also recovered from the hideout, the ISPR had said.

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