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Pakistan renews pledge to implement GSP-related conventions

ISLAMABAD: Pakistan has reaffirmed its commitment to effective implementation of the GSP Plus-related international conventions.

The assurance was given by Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi to EU Parliament’s Delegation for Relations with the Countries of South Asia, led by Nicola Procaccini, which called on him here on Wednesday.

The foreign minister said the EU’s GSP+ facility to Pakistan had been mutually beneficial and it had played an important role in the growth of trade between the two sides.

Views were exchanged on various aspects of the Pakistan-EU relations and regional and international developments during the meeting.

EU’s parliamentary delegation holds talks with foreign minister

Recalling his meeting with EU High Representative Josep Borrell and his earlier virtual interaction with the European Parliament Committee on Foreign Affairs, Mr Qureshi said the Pakistan-EU Strategic Engagement Plan had ushered in a new phase by laying a solid foundation and framework for multidimensional cooperation between the two sides.

The foreign minister highlighted the enormous potential in diverse areas such as commerce and trade, sustainable development and climate change and stressed the importance of translating them into tangible outcomes to further deepen Pakistan-EU relations.

He conveyed Pakistan’s readiness to continue to work for a productive and constructive partnership and underscored the importance of regular interactions between the two sides.

He also appreciated the EU’s support for Pakistan in the fight against the Covid-19 pandemic. The foreign minister also gave an account of various measures taken by the government for the welfare of the people of Pakistan.

The two sides exchanged views on the latest developments in Afghanistan.

The foreign minister highlighted that Pakistan had suffered the most due to conflict and instability in Afghanistan over the past 40 years and that a peaceful and stable Afghanistan was in the best interest of Pakistan.

Mr Qureshi said that there was realisation in the international community to engage with Afghanistan. He underlined that a humanitarian crisis and economic collapse in Afghanistan could have enormous consequences for the entire world.

He stressed that the Afghan people should not be abandoned and that the international community should remain positively engaged to advance shared objectives of peace, security, development and connectivity.

The foreign minister highlighted Pakistan’s efforts, including its initiative of establishing the platform of six neig­hbouring countries of Afghanistan.

The foreign minister also briefed the visiting delegation on Pakistan’s assistance in the EU citizens’ evacuation from Afghanistan when the Taliban took over the country.

He also apprised the delegation of the grave human rights violations in India-held Kashmir.

Mr Qureshi stressed that Pakistan desired good relations with all neighbours. He highlighted Pakistan’s efforts to promote peace in the region and underlined that the onus was on India to create an enabling environment for a result-oriented engagement.

The two sides agreed to further enhance interaction in diverse areas through various established mechanisms and high-level exchanges.

The EU delegation thanked Pakistan for its assistance in the evacuation of EU nationals from Afghanistan.

The EU delegation is currently on a three-day visit to Pakistan. They held extensive meetings with other government functionaries. The visit is a part of regular interactions between the two sides.

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